Currently offering gently used clothing, shoes and accessories.
Location: 2722 W. Liberty St. Girard OH 44420
Open: 4th saturday of the month
hours: 1-3 PM
Donations are accepted during The Storehouse open days and hours unless otherwise announced. Financial donations are also accepted through the ease of online secured giving. Click the Give button to donate today.
A bit about The Storehouse, at Center Point Church - Pastor Joe Banko
The Storehouse in the early church was foundational. The early church gathered everything they had to help people in need. They gave up possessions, their time and came together. The needs were few because people sacrificed and gave for each other.
The Storehouse was planted as a seed as part of our ministry at Center Point. There is so much more than clothing that we desire to offer in the future and we trust that God will provide and grow the seed.
In the days before becoming Pastor of Center Point, I went away to a cabin. No wifi, no TV and no distractions. I found myself at a desk with my Bible, a notebook, pen and music. As I prayed and read, I started writing just jotting things down, filling my notebook. I remember looking up at the clock and six hours had passed. It felt like just 20 minutes had gone by. The Storehouse vision was scribbled there on my papers. It was then that I knew The Storehouse would be an intricate part of our ministry as a church.While we desire to meet the immediate physical needs in our community, it is our goal to deliver the gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples by His grace and through the Power of the Holy Spirit. If you are in need, visit us on our open days for free clothing and prayer. - Pastor Joe
“Our vision is to change our community with the love, hope and compassion of the one who created it.”
Looking for a place to serve? We are looking for volunteers to help sort clothing and welcome our visitors on The Storehouse open days!